Inner Awakening: Free Introductory Meditation Courses


Meditation: The Inner Awakening

Free Upcoming classes in Mt Eden. Register now to get started on your inner journey to happiness!

What are the deeper goals that lie beneath our lives? Lasting happiness and peace are the universals we all share. Meditation is the fast track, the time of awakening, the longing to find your peaceful inner space.

Our upcoming free courses offer the methods, knowledge and inspiration you’ll need to explore the many paths of meditation – you only need the sincerity to try and the determination to practice.

Our course instructors have decades of personal experience to share with you, and each of the structured free evenings will cover a range of techniques and essential meditation secrets. You’ll also enjoy the company of like-minded people who, like yourself, are seeking the inner treasures that our spiritual life always brings.


March/April Courses

Option B


Four free evening talks….
A deep dive in to the four principle yoga paths and their unique benefits…..

The differing paths of yoga – Karma, Jnana, Bhakti, Hatha – all lead to the summits of Self-knowledge and happiness, and elements of each exist in all of our lives. But one or two will usually be uppermost in our nature. Each of these four free evenings will explore the principle pathways, and offer guided meditations drawn from their traditions. These evenings will be of interest to those wanting to deepen their meditation practice and explore a wider canvas of meditation skills and insights.

When: Tues/Thursdays, March 18, 20, 25, 27: 7:00 pm-8:30 pm nightly.
Venue: Sri Chinmoy Centre, 89 Dominion Rd, Mt Eden
Registration: Registration is required to accommodate numbers attending. Please register either by confirming your details on the contact page below, or by text to: Jogyata 0221887432.

Option C

Meditation Works – in Ponsonby

*Consecutive  Thursdays, March 27 & April 3. 7:00-8:15pm nightly

*Venue: 20 Ponsonby Terrace, Ponsonby Community Centre

Learn how to combine a healthy lifestyle with a practice of meditation to transform your life journey. The role of the spiritual heart, nutrition and exercise tips from Daniel, a gardener by trade and an athlete, who has used meditation for over 25 years to find inner and outer peace in a modern world.

Please register on 021 831 382 or use the contact form below.

May Courses

Option D

From May 5th: An Introduction to Meditation

*Consecutive Mondays, Thursdays, May 5, 8, 12, 15. 7:30-9pm nightly

*Venue: 89 Dominion Rd, Mt Eden, the Sri Chinmoy Centre community space

This free course offers a structured 4 part program covering the ABC’s of learning meditation, and introduces many lifestyle positives supporting your practice. These evenings also provide an overview of the many paths, introducing the main branches of yoga along with mantras and simple visualisations. The focus is on meditation exercises, helping you to cultivate a quiet mind, calm breath, still body. The evenings are welcoming and encouraging, inviting participation and questions and featuring several guided meditation techniques each evening.

The focus is on setting up and maintaining a daily home program and providing ongoing free weekly sessions to support this. No new admissions after the second evening please, as this is a structured, progressive course. Plentiful local street parking.

Registration: Registration is required to accommodate numbers attending. Please register either by leaving your details on the contact page below, or by text or whatsapp to: Jogyata 0221887432.

Option E

Monday May 26th 6.30pm til 8
Pt Chev Community Centre – Lounge room
18 Huia Road, Point Chevalier
Txt 027 335 7252 for free registration

-May 19th: Songs of the Soul – A Free Concert

Join us in a memorable and inspiring evening of music, mantras and sacred chants. Songs of the Soul features a selection of songs drawn from the vast musical legacy of the late Indian spiritual master Sri Chinmoy, whose thousands of meditative, peaceful compositions awaken and nourish the spiritual essence of our being.

With performers sharing their favorite songs and several simple guided meditations, the free concert guides its audience back in to a stillness and silence beyond the mind, back in to our heart space where music and meditation are one.

In a world hungry for peace, spiritual music has always been a powerful way of uplifting, uniting and inspiring humanity – music is a universal language that speaks to our hearts and souls, bringing us closer together.

Performances include songs by Mukti Giti, a women’s instrumental and vocal group, and interactive mantric songs inviting audience participation.

Sri Chinmoy writes: “Music will play a most important role in bringing about world oneness, for music embodies the universal heart, the oneness-heart. Music is the universal language. We do not have to learn any particular language to communicate with others if we can play soulful music. Soulful music carries the beauty and fragrance of silence … the heart is receiving the beauty and light of the higher world of silence.”

Where: the Fickling Centre, 546 Mt Albert Rd, Three Kings. Entry is opposite City Fitness Gym and below the Mt Roskill Library.

When: May 19th, 7pm.

Free admission, reservations are encouraged to ensure seating. Call or text name and number attending to: 0221887432.

Ample local parking is available



– November 14th: A Weekend Retreat:

You’re invited to a very popular weekend out in the nearby Waitakere Ranges, a gravel road off Bethells Road taking you away from cellphones (no reception!), mental clutter, work and life’s usual dramas. Starting Friday evening, this two night retreat is an immersion in activities, meditations, trail hikes and local beaches, music, vegetarian food and new friendships that offers nothing less than an evolutionary jump in your spiritual life. This is a stage 2 w/shop – a requirement for participants is to have first attended one of our introductory meditation courses so you have some familiarity with our meditation guidelines.

* November 14-16th, Friday to Sunday afternoon.

* Held at the beautiful Aio Wira Retreat Centre in Auckland’s Waitakere Ranges

Aio Wira offers a variety of accommodation options – single rooms, twin share rooms, bunkrooms, and we try to accommodate everyone’s specific requests. We can accommodate 24 participants.

Our organisers are offering their services freely – the costs are only those charged by the Aio Wira Centre for two nights accommodation and full use of all facilities, which include spa and sauna. We don’t have a one-night only option at this stage. Costs can be advised a little later once confirmed, and will include all vegetarian meals. Own transport preferable, though ride sharing to and fro may be possible.

For further information and cost updates, please message Jogyata. Email: or text/call: 0221887432


Get in touch!

If you are interested in any of the above classes, you can send us a message below

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Meditation FAQ

This Q&A comes from a very nice recent meditation interview with course instructor Jogyata Dallas, shared with Verve magazine:

View classes FAQ

Our class instructors

Meet a few of our regular class-giving team here in Auckland (We also frequently invite guests from abroad, so do keep an eye out for them!)

Jogyata Dallas

Jogyata has taught meditation for over 30 years and is the author of several books about the subject and his encounters and experiences with Sri Chinmoy. He lives in Auckland but teaches in many other countries. His workshops combine humor, personal anecdotes and guided meditations and reflect his sincere love of his subject.

More articles and videos by Jogyata:

Preetidutta Thorpe

Preetidutta has been a national level sailor and still loves the ocean as a place for meditation and happiness. She’s an adventurer, marathoner, trail runner and longtime meditator, and a member of a relay team that carries a peace torch around New Zealand and the Pacific islands every year to promote world peace. She runs free introductory courses in Auckland every year.

Hridayinee Williams

Hridayinee has studied and practised meditation for many years and shared her love of meditation in workshops offered throughout several countries.

She brings mantras and music to her courses and belongs to several Auckland a capella performing music groups. “Emptying the mind and finding stillness is difficult for most people – music fills the mind, displaces thought and replaces it with beauty…”

Daniel Rubin

A trail runner and fitness enthusiast, Daniel shares his love of nature with guided meditations that draw on images from nature and landscape.

He covers a wide range of meditation techniques with a focus on practice.



Abhimanyu is a yoga enthusiast and learnt meditation under the tutelage of the late meditation teacher, Sri Chinmoy.

He is a skilled meditation teacher who loves sharing his own experiences and insights with people starting their own journey of awakening.




Some of spiritual master Sri Chinmoy’s philosophy can be explored here:

I meditate
So that my mind
Cannot complicate
My life

Sri Chinmoy