About Our Meditation Classes

There are so many different ways to meditate. Our introductory courses provide an overview of the most popular and images (15)effective techniques, and enable you to experience these for yourself, to get a feeling for those you most prefer. Like pathways up a mountain, they all lead to the same destination, but our individual natures will help us to choose one path over another.

Our meditation techniques are drawn from the wonderful wisdom of the late Sri Chinmoy, whose teachings are simple, heart-based, and very relevant in coping with the stresses and busy minds that often trouble us in our modern world.  Sri Chinmoy loved people, had a great optimism about the goodness of the human heart, and wanted all of our classes to be always free of charge. He saw the inner peace that meditation brings as being the foundation for a better world – a lasting peace in the world starts with you and me.

We hold free beginner’s meditation classes and workshops throughout the year in and around Auckland. Classes and workshops are conducted by local students of Sri Chinmoy, with decades of personal practice behind them, and usually held on weeknight evenings and weekends.

Current classes • Workplace meditation • Meet our instructorsOur community involvement in Auckland

lets meditateIntroduction to meditation – beginners series

Our ‘Learn Meditation’ course options usually consist of 3 or 4 classes per series, each normally one and half hours long. They focus on sharing practical exercises – giving you the experience of meditation rather than just theory. They form a progressive, structured course so it’s recommended that you attend all of the evenings to gain the maximum benefit.

Each class will introduce you to simple and effective exercises to still the mind, including breathing techniques, mantras, creative visualisations, concentration and meditation techniques, plus a look at the different paths of yoga. Topics for discussion include using meditation for self-awareness, overcoming stress and other life problems, achieving inner potential and spiritual awakening.

Beginners series in and around Auckland

Weekend workshops

Single workshops offer more concentrated one or two-day courses with guest speakers covering a wide range of topics including ‘Introduction to Meditation’, ‘Secrets of Happiness’, ‘Music and Meditation’, ‘7 Secrets of Meditation’, ‘Finding your Path’, Death and Reincarnation’ etc. Workshop teachers are often overseas-based guest presenters and long-time students of Sri Chinmoy whom we invite each year during our annual ‘Meditation Week’.

images (8)Ongoing meditation courses

These are suitable for those who have completed the beginner’s series and are now meditating regularly. Ongoing evenings offer a more advanced series, a stage two program involving longer meditations and an introduction to the concept of a spiritual path.

Material for this more advanced program is based upon Sri Chinmoy’s teachings about the path of the heart, a balanced way of life based on the harmonious development of the entire being – physical, emotional, mental, intuitive and spiritual, leading to the blossoming of inner potentials.

These continuation evenings help to deepen your meditation, introduce positive lifestyle recommendations, share tips on making spirituality a skill to bring into your daily life and offer the opportunity to meet others who share your own growing interest in the spiritual lifestyle.

A weekly newsletter shares upcoming events – concerts, Waitakere ranges outings for nature-lovers, weekends away, intensives and retreats.



To find out more, simply leave your details on our contact page.